[Translate to Englisch:] Neue Studie von HateAid, Förderpartner der Schöpflin Stiftung

How Digital Violence Affects Political Engagement

In collaboration with the Technical University of Munich, our Grantee HateAid has published a study examining the forms and effects of digital violence against politically active individuals. The findings of the study »Angegriffen & alleingelassen« (Attacked & Abandoned) were recently presented. The data collected from April to October 2024 is alarming—particularly with regard to the upcoming federal election. More than half (58 percent) of politically engaged individuals reported experiencing digital violence, including hostility and threats of physical harm. Notably, the forms of digital violence vary significantly between men and women. Nearly a quarter of women reported receiving threats of sexual violence, compared to only three percent of men.

The survey focused on politicians active at the state, federal, and EU levels, who made up 67 percent of the 1,114 respondents. Activists followed with 19 percent. Additionally, journalists, scientists, influencers, and other party members were surveyed.

Severe Consequences of Experiencing Digital Violence

These negative experiences influence the behavior of those affected. According to the HateAid study, one in two politically active individuals who have experienced digital hate modifies their public communication, limits social media use, or reduces public appearances.

Digital hate also negatively impacts political engagement, as reported by 47 percent of women and 34 percent of men. Some respondents even consider pausing their political activities altogether. Due to ongoing threats and violent messages, some members of parliament have decided not to run for the federal election. The study’s conclusion: Digital violence endangers political engagement in Germany.

You can read the full study here (german language) or on HateAid's website.

Support for Affected Individuals Is Crucial

HateAid’s study also highlights that many of those affected by digital hate wish for better support to be better prepared and able to defend themselves. In the survey, 49 percent of men and 66 percent of women expressed that they receive too little support in this area.

This is precisely where the organization JoinPolitics, also a Grantee of the Schöpflin Foundation, comes in. JoinPolitics is dedicated to fostering political talent and providing communication support. One of its key focuses is amplifying the voices of individuals who are otherwise rarely represented in political spaces. The organization offers boot camps, direct support through sparring partners, and opportunities for exchange within the JoinPolitics network. A central topic: communication in the digital space.

In preparation for the federal election, JoinPolitics has also launched an extraordinary immediate support program for candidates. The workshops and coaching sessions equip politically active individuals with the necessary knowledge and tools to manage public appearances successfully and navigate social media during the campaign. Participants also receive support if they face threats or abuse online.

Strengthening Real Encounters

It is all the more important to create and utilize spaces for personal encounters and exchanges—for politicians and their voters alike. In face-to-face conversations, reactions and criticism are often less harsh, and arguments are more nuanced, making it easier to find constructive solutions. This is precisely what our democracy thrives on: debate over the best solutions to the challenges facing our society — and the many individuals who, at the municipal, state, or federal level, seriously and passionately work toward these solutions.


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