Pursuant to § 5 of the TMG (German Telemedia Act)
Schöpflin Stiftung
A foundation under civil law
Franz-Ehret-Straße 7
D-79541 Lörrach
Tel: + 49 7621 98690-00
Fax: + 49 762198690-09
Executive Director: Tim Göbel
Advisory Board:
Dr. Nikola Braun
Marion Dammann
Laura-Kristine Krause
Ingo Michelsen
Dr. Felicitas von Peter
Hans Schoepflin, Founding Benefactor & Chairman of the Advisory Board
Lisl Schoepflin, Deputy Chair of the Advisory Board
Dr. Axel Seemann
Jasmine Strautmann
Foundation’s Register Number: 142214.8
VAT-ID (VAT Identification Number), pursuant to §27a of the German VAT law:
DE 251793208
Regulatory Authority:
Regierungspräsidium Freiburg (Freiburg Regional Council)
79083 Freiburg, Germany
Starting Page:
Illustrations Programs: Jill Senft
Jill Senft's illustrations comment on socio-political issues and questions. Her works have been published in magazines like brand eins, Der Freitag and the magazine of the Süddeutsche Zeitung.
Our local venues in Lörrach:
Photos: Lucia Hofmaier
Page »About«:
Schöpflin Family | Foto: Arno Dietsche
Executive Board | Foto: Arno Dietsche
Page »The Schöpflin Family«:
Schöpflin Versandkatalog | Photo: private (Schöpflin Family)
Hans & Rudolf Schöpflin | Photo: private (Schöpflin Family)
»Die Schöpflins« | © A film by Florian Schnell
Page »Organisation«:
Tim Göbel | Photo: Lucia Hofmaier
Advisory Board of the Schöpflin Founcation | Photo: Lucia Hofmaier
Page »Team«:
Schöpflin Foundation Team| Photos: Arno Dietsche (Andrea Biehler, Tamara Breuer, Zoe Buss, Sarah Conrad, Justin Geßner, Nadine Jundt, Leonie Lafoux, Luca Maggiore, Julia Rommel, Tino Rothfuss, Melanie Schilling-Pendt, Danile Schüler Oliver Steigerwald, Christopher Strautmann, Ralf Ziegler, Verena Zieringer: Photo Lucia Hofmaier)
Werkraum Schöpflin | Photos: Arno Dietsche (Alisha Köhler, Christopher Strautmann: Photo Lucia Hofmaier)
Schöpflin School Team | Photos: Lucia Hofmaier (Luigi Giacobini: Photo Jan Novotny)
Villa Schöpflin Team | Photos: Lucia Hofmaier (Daniela Brunner, Peter Eichin, Ramona Hauger: Photo Arno Dietsche)
Page »Job Offers« (Slide):
Birgit Degenhardt | Photo: Juri Junkov
Dorothee Vogt | Photo: Arno Dietsche
Murat Yarayan | Photo: Arno Dietsche
Page »Program areas«:
Programs | Illustrations: Jill Senft
Pages Backbone & Relations, Media & Society, Migration & Integration, Learning & Participation:
Julia Röhrich, Dorothee Vogt | Photos: Arno Dietsche
Page »Establishments« (Slide):
Our local venues in Lörrach | Photos: Lucia Hofmaier
Page »Schöpflin Schule«:
Illustration: Julia Münz
Page »Werkraum Schöpflin«:
Photo: Juri Junkov
Page »Villa Schöpflin«:
Photo: Cathrine Stukhard
Page »FABRIC / Schöpflin Quarter«:
Photos & Illustrations: Lucia Hofmaier
Page »Partners in Lörrach«:
Nido – Montessori Kinderhaus Lörrach | Photo: Juri Junkov
Page »Publix«:
Maria Exner | Photo: Emanuel Herm
Web Development & Design: BOROS
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