
Prestigious architecture prize »DAM 2025« for Spore Initiative

Our sister foundation, the Spore Initiative, has been awarded an architecture prize for the second time. On Friday, January 31, the building designed by AFF Architekten received the DAM Prize 2025 from the German Architecture Museum in Frankfurt.

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How Digital Violence Affects Political Engagement

The current study »Angegriffen & alleingelassen« (Attacked & Abandoned) by our Grantee HateAid highlights the impact of digital violence on politically engaged individuals — and what this could mean for the upcoming federal election.

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How Acker e.V. makes sustainability tangible in schools

Acker e.V. has been a new Grantee of the Schöpflin Foundation since 2025. The System Change Alliance, launched by Acker e.V., aims to ensure that every child in Germany has the opportunity to grow their own vegetables by 2030, so that they can experience the growth and value creation process of food at first hand.

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Schöpflin Foundation Newsletter

To stay up to date with all the activities of the Schöpflin Foundation, please subscribe to our newsletter (German language). It will provide you with regular news about all the Foundation’s events, grantees and latest projects.


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