
netzwerk recherche

Förderpartner 2016
Aktuelle Fördersumme p.a. 75.000 €
Standort Berlin

Rudolf Augstein Stiftung

Zeit-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius

Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung


What does Netzwerk Recherche do?

Netzwerk Recherche e.V. was founded in 2001 by a group of journalists in order to bolster investigative and quality journalism in Germany.  By 2017 this not-for-profit network had notched up more than 800 members from every branch of the media industry.  In order to share its research techniques, the network runs conferences – like the network’s annual conference attended by some 900 journalists – and produces publications.  Netzwerk Recherche directly supports journalistic work through research grants and provides bursaries for journalism projects.







Why are we awarding a grant to Netzwerk Recherche?

By partnering with Netzwerk Recherche e.V. we believe there is an opportunity to further strengthen and grow investigative and non-profit journalism and thereby establish it as a third and important pillar of journalism, alongside the journalism provided by the major publishing houses and by state media.

What is our mutual goal?

Together we want to show that there are new ways to set up and finance non-profit journalism. The joint ‘Grow Bursary’ programme supports start-ups and non-profit journalism, helping them to implement their projects.


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