Learning is the sum of discovery and experience. In a constantly changing world, we create spaces of experience that invite people to initiate processes and actively shape change. We see school as a place of educational innovation and participation, where children and young people can freely develop as creators of the day after tomorrow. The Schöpflin Foundation supports its partners in finding new answers and concrete ways for the school of the future.
Through its »Learning & Participation« program, the Schöpflin Foundation supports nationwide non-profit initiatives that promote internal learning and change processes at places of learning and schools in partnership with the teaching staff. Similarly, the program also supports these initiatives with the development of innovative solutions for current societal challenges. The program focuses on working with teachers and multipliers as well as with organizations and institutions.
In particular, we promote approaches that enrich schools through external impulses and thereby enable teachers to give all children and young people – regardless of their social and ethnic background – the opportunity to receive good and up-to-date learning and to develop self-effectiveness. We are convinced that human relationships and the quality of human interaction are of key importance in this regard.
The promotion of youth participation is central to how this program works. We believe that it is never too early to learn about and test democratic participation and co-determination. The experience of self-effectiveness and responsibility will help children, adolescents and young adults to become active shapers of their own lives and of society as a whole.
Photo: Daniel Schoenen
€ 50,000
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
Jugend-Demokratiefonds Berlin
Landeszentrale für politische Bildung NRW
aula is a digital participation project by the Berlin-based association "politik-digital" that combines media and political education. Young people have the opportunity to publish ideas on the platform and app within a previously contractually agreed framework, to vote on them, and ultimately to implement them on their own responsibility. Schools and other institutions can introduce and use aula independently or be accompanied by the aula team. Both the software and the accompanying didactic material are available as open educational resources.
With aula, children and young people can learn to perceive themselves as shapers of society. All students at a school or members of another form of youth organization can contribute their ideas directly to the online platform, discuss them, and implement them on their own responsibility. This strengthens self-efficacy, but also democratic awareness and digital skills.
The grant serves to stabilize the project and to further develop and professionalize its concept and the team. We want to establish aula as a tool that enables young people to actively participate in everyday life and to test democratic practices and competencies in a digitalized world.
Photo: ProjectTogether / Samuel Groesch
MSR Social Impact gGmbH
Noventi Health SE
Holzer Group
ProjectTogether gUG develops innovation platforms along the 17 Sustainable Development Goals to solve social challenges. The goal is to achieve broad participation of citizens in societal problem-solving processes.
By supporting ProjectTogether, we invest in paving the way for social progress. Actors from society, politics and economics are brought together to solve concrete problems. The topics are diverse and include climate change, the plastic problem, education and the Corona pandemic
An excellent digital platform is essential for achieving high impact and strong implementation of ProjectTogether's mission. This is the key to rapid development and testing of social innovations. Together, we create future labs for society to promote systemic change.
Photo: Fabian Wanisch | SV-Bildungswerk
€ 75,000
The SV-Bildungswerk ("Educational Institute for Student Representation and Student Participation") is a nationwide support structure for and by students and young people. It strengthens young people in actively bringing their concerns, interests and views into school and society. To this end, it trains students, organizes exchange formats and implements participation processes in matters of school development and other important social issues.
Students and young people are not only the target group of the projects of the SV-Bildungswerk - they are also significantly involved in the conception and implementation. Out of their own interest, they develop projects themselves, implement workshops for other young people and get actively involved at school and in social debates. This not only increases the impact of the projects, but also allows for the important experience of self-efficacy.
The SV-Bildungswerk is committed to opening up adult-dominated structures and discourses that strongly affect young people to children and juveniles. In this way, the association supports the youth in taking responsibility themselves, in being political, and in shaping their future according to their own ideas. With the SV-Bildungswerk, we want to help future generations of students learn and experience active participation - a cornerstone of democracy.
Changewriters Team | Photo: Matthias Jaworski
75.000 €
Wübben Stiftung
ChangeWriters focuses on building relationships between educators and students. The concept is based on the simple and low-threshold method of diary writing: students develop a future perspective from the experiences of their own biography.
The open approach gives students the opportunity to communicate and be heard through the diary as a communication tool. The program "Writing History(s) Together" achieves an appreciative culture of relationships in schools and thus creates the most important fundament for the educational success of children and young people.
Since 2016, ChangeWriters has been supporting secondary schools of all types nationwide with its vision of turning schools into dynamic places where everyone can feel comfortable and grow. Together, we want to achieve that appreciative cooperation becomes a core concern at all German schools.
Herausfo(e)rderer | Photo: Markus Teibrich
100.000 €
Beisheim Stiftung
Kinnings Foundation
School years are for getting to know oneself and developing one's own personality. After graduation, young adults need to have an idea of who they are and what they are made of. To achieve this goal, Herausfo(e)rderer relies on experiential learning outside of school through challenging projects. The organization works with schools nationwide and supports them in embedding the program in their curricula. To this end, Herausfo(e)rderer empowers students, teachers and volunteers.
Challenges are particularly important for the development of creative competence, as required by the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) approach: The participants leave their comfort zone, experience self-efficacy, learn to act in a team and to respond empathically to others. They become active shapers of tomorrow's world. With its program, the organization also initiates school development processes and establishes an empathic coaching attitude in the sense of a potential development culture in the structures.
The Schöpflin Foundation supports Herausfo(e)rderer in the instituionalization of their program. Together, we want to establish the project as a best-practice example of holistic learning in schools nationwide. To this end, we explore the opportunities and synergies that arise at the interface of welfare and independent child/youth work in cooperation with schools.
€ 137,500
Software AG Stiftung
Schule im Aufbruch ("Schools on the move") supports schools that are developing into places where potential can unfold, where individualized, independent forms of learning are possible, and where research in projects is interdisciplinary and action-oriented. It aims at a positive environment where an appreciative learning and relationship culture prevails and where the 17 sustainable development goals are a central point of reference in the classroom as well as in everyday life.
The time has come for a paradigm shift in our schools. Schule im Aufbruch has developed and tested concepts aimed at "system change". Now a professionalization process is on the way. In order to pass on ideas, experience and know-how, Schule im Aufbruch is establishing a nationwide office, three regional project offices and a training academy.
Together, we want to secure the visionary basic concern of Schule im Aufbruch and the radical orientation toward a genuine transformation process. We want to preserve the wealth of experience in implementing support in the long term. We hope that this impulse from transformed schools and their networks will have a lasting impact on the educational discourse and the educational system in Germany.
€ 50,000
Teach First Deutschland gGmbH demonstrates that young people from socially disadvantaged backgrounds can be successful. The project involves placing university graduates – fellows, as they are called – from different disciplines into schools in socially deprived areas across the country. Viewed as people of trust and additional staff – both in terms of teaching and pastoral care – they provide support to school children, particularly when it comes to the tricky issue of navigating their way through the transitions from one stage of their education to the next.
Pupil self-reliance is the focus of the work of Teach First fellows. Pupils need to be empowered to shape their own futures. The Schöpflin Foundation believes strongly in this. It also believes that, given the right tools, Teach First Deutschland could have an impact on the school system as a whole.
Teach First Deutschland wants to work with the Schöpflin Foundation to grow and use its potential to effect systemic change. It wants to reach more school children and - together with Teach First alumni – to found an education programme that promotes equal opportunities.
Sometimes it doesn’t take much to bring about positive change. Through its »Rapid Response Grants« the Schöpflin Foundation provides organisations and projects with straightforward and rapid financial support - enabling them to implement their innovative and sustainable ideas, projects and initiatives. The maximum grant is 25.000 € per project, no applications can be submitted.
50.000 €
International and national
up to 25.000 €
apropolis e.V. | The association offers workshops, seminars and training courses for young people to raise their interest in politics and enthusiasm for our liberal democracy, while at the same time sharpening their awareness of hidden dangers such as populism, indifference and fear-mongering. And to empower them to defend themselves against them!
climb GmbH | climb GmbH organizes climb learning vacations for primary school children living in precarious conditions. Together with young adults who are passionate about education they organize two-week learning vacations in elementary school. The grant is used to strengthen leaders at climb.
Klimaschutz im Bundestag e.V. | Strategienetzwerk Klima: Around 900 companies, associations, local authorities and individuals have joined forces as Klimaschutz im Bundestag e.V. (KiB) to advocate a realistic and ambitious climate policy. The association brings citizens together with members of the Bundestag and their staff, with a special focus on the perspectives and knowledge of practitioners. The aim is to persuade members of the Bundestag to take concrete and effective climate protection measures.
Kreidestaub e. V. | Kreidestaub is a student organization that has set itself the goal of further developing and improving teacher training. The association is based in Berlin, but there are various local groups throughout Germany that try to design innovative seminars and events based on university locations. Kreidestaub sees itself as a community, network, laboratory and platform for sustainable teacher training.
Land in Sicht e.V. | Land in Sicht e.V. supports non-profit associations in rural regions of Saxony that are committed to open-mindedness, democratic and social ways of thinking through their cultural and social work.
In addition, the association sees itself as a platform for all those people who want to take a stand - for coexistence without discrimination, racism, hostility towards foreigners and sexism.
Teachers for Future e.V. | Teachers for Future e.V. is an association of teachers, educators and other school staff that sees itself as part of the “for Future” movement and acts at all levels in consultation with the other "for Future" groups.
Volontoolo gUG | Volontoolo gUG is a non-profit organization that has set itself the task of promoting volunteering and helping people to find suitable volunteer activities. It provides a platform that brings volunteers and charitable projects together to strengthen social projects and initiatives and promote active participation in society.
50.000 €
International and national
up to 25.000 €
Children – Mit Kindern. Für Kinder! | Generation Germany 2024 (#GG24) is a project for the further development of democracy by meeting Germany's next generation of voters, the core of which is a multi-day event with young people practising how to deal with dissidents.
EMPATI gGmbH | The grant will support the organisation of the »Class Representative of the Year« competition.
Förderverein der Schule am Addis-Abeba-Platz e.V. | The booster club is a nonprofit club supporting the school and nursery financially as well as content.
Life TeachUs e.V. | The society brings people from all areas of life into schools and with that life lessons and practical wisdom to everyday school life.
PxP 2023 – Schule feiert Zukunft! | The largest music and education festival creates visions for the school of the future with acts, performances, talks and workshops.
Real-Labor Friedliche Bildungsrevolution | At the Real-Labor, an inspiring space in Leipzig's city center, a creative laboratory for the future of education is being created together with students.
Serlo Education e.V. | Serlo Education advocates for systemic change in schools and education through simultaneous transformation of the political framework conditions.
ACT is a charitable organisation based in Neukölln (Berlin). It runs artistic projects with children and young people throughout Berlin and also provides further education for adults across Germany. Through its artistic work, ACT conveys concrete strategies on how to steer and manage democratic processes. ACT’s work is based on the ‘Mixing Board’ approach, developed by educator Maike Plath.
ACT’s work demonstrates democratic awareness and democratic core competences in a sustainable way. It is therefore currently the only, all-encompassing and innovative concept that is systematically based on the diversity of all those involved. This grant is intended to make ACT’s working methods (the ‘mixing board’ principle) better known and to multiply the effectiveness of its work.
Our goal is to achieve a diversification of our society’s finance structures, and to promote and multiply the idea of greater democratic participation across society. We intend to achieve this on the one hand by certifying and further developing ACT’s continuing-education programme; and on the other by making ACT’s work better known and thus generating greater enthusiasm for the project among educators and grantees alike.
Bruno-von-Schröder Stiftung
Hans Herrmann Münchmeyer
Haniel Stiftung
Bildung als Chance (BaC – or Opportunity Through Education) is one of Germany’s largest functioning collective impact projects. It helps educationally disadvantaged children and young people to obtain a school qualification.
What is special about Bildung als Chance is that the three educational organisations involved – namely Apeiros, Chancenwerk and Teach First Deutschland – have set out to interweave their model into schools and communities in such a way that it creates a sustainable and coordinated support network for pupils.
Together we want to establish Bildung als Chance as a permanent fixture in Hamburg in order that it can do more for pupils. Similarly, we want to learn how a successfully functioning project can be transferred from one community to another; and we want to campaign for the Collective Impact initiative.
Haraeus Bildungsstiftung
Stiftung Bildung und Gesellschaft
Stiftung Mercator GmbH
Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft e.V.
Teach First Deutschland gGmbH
Wübben Stiftung gGmbH
Das Deutsche Lehrerforum (German Teachers Forum) is an independent initiative for dedicated teachers, irrespective of the type of school in which they work. Teachers can use the Forum as a platform to work with fellow teachers to further develop their skills. Participants examine their own hands-on teaching and project experiences, reflect together on concrete examples and then draft recommendations for action. They then return to their respective schools to put into practice what they have learnt.
By supporting this Forum, the Schöpflin Foundation is able to put dedicated teachers in touch with one another so that they can network. This project also enables the Foundation to promote innovative teaching and learning methods. The Forum’s large network also gives the Schöpflin Foundation access to a great many more schools, teachers and pupils.
Das Deutsche Lehrerforum works towards further strengthening the professionalism of its participating teachers. It also provides them with a national platform where they can exchange ideas and network with one another. In turn, this then leads to their work and their dedication being held in higher regard. The Forum is also able to advise politicians, teacher training establishments and the general public about the issues that are of particular concern to the country’s most outstanding teachers.
Stiftung Mercator GmbH
InterACT English is dedicated to using art forms to teach and communicate. Through innovative programmes it teaches English as a foreign language to both students and teachers. The company follows a philosophy which it calls »learning through doing«. This experimental approach appeals to decision-makers, teachers and students alike. Through its diverse teaching programmes InterACT English makes a key contribution to cultural education in German schools.
We believe that by using art and culture as a playful means for learning English, students are given the opportunity to develop their potential, experience self-effectiveness and broaden their horizons. We have been working with InterACT English to make cultural education a fixed component of the school curriculum and to bring about cultural change.
We want more young people to have access to innovative foreign language courses – both now and in the future. To achieve this, we have developed a sustainable and social business model for InterACT English to create stability, growth and greater professionalism.
Illustration: dpa
€ 25,000
ZEIT-Stiftung Ebelin und Gerd Bucerius
#UseTheNews is a broadscale, multi-year project with partners from the media and media research. Its goal is to gain a better understanding of the use of news and news literacy, to develop better news formats, especially for younger people, and to improve the teaching of news literacy in Germany.
The grant has supported a conference on the topic of news literacy on September 15, 2021, aimed at journalists and teachers. The conference will be organized by Netzwerk Recherche e.V. together with the Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa) and the Hamburg Ministry of Culture and Media (BKM).
In today's world, news literacy is a basic prerequisite for critical awareness among children, adolescents and young adults, as well as for a strong democracy and its further development. The conference's goal was to help strengthen the teaching of news literacy in schools and everyday life.
The grant for #UseTheNews was co-funded by our Media & Society and Learning & Participation program.
»We accompany people who rethink education and innovate learning to offer children and young people the chance to develop their individual potential and to give them the opportunity to participate. That is, for us, what makes our work on the Schöpflin Foundation’s Learning & Participation program so rewarding.«
Julia Röhrich has been head of the Learning & Participation programme area since 2019. Previously, she worked for five years as a senior consultant in the field of education at two social enterprises supporting foundations and companies to give even more strategically and effectively. Prior to her work as a consultant, she coordinated a nationwide youth engagement programme at a non-profit and supported the dissemination of Open Educational Resources as part of the executive team of an education start-up.