Learning & Participation

Learning is the sum of discovery and experience. In a constantly changing world, we create spaces of experience that invite people to initiate processes and actively shape change. We see school as a place of educational innovation and participation, where children and young people can freely develop as creators of the day after tomorrow. The Schöpflin Foundation supports its partners in finding new answers and concrete ways for the school of the future. 

[Translate to Englisch:] Illustration Lernen & Partizipation; Schöpflin Stiftung

Through its »Learning & Participation« program, the Schöpflin Foundation supports nationwide non-profit initiatives that promote internal learning and change processes at places of learning and schools in partnership with the teaching staff.  Similarly, the program also supports these initiatives with the development of innovative solutions for current societal challenges. The program focuses on working with teachers and multipliers as well as with organizations and institutions.

In particular, we promote approaches that enrich schools through external impulses and thereby enable teachers to give all children and young people – regardless of their social and ethnic background – the opportunity to receive good and up-to-date learning and to develop self-effectiveness.  We are convinced that human relationships and the quality of human interaction are of key importance in this regard.

The promotion of youth participation is central to how this program works.  We believe that it is never too early to learn about and test democratic participation and co-determination.  The experience of self-effectiveness and responsibility will help children, adolescents and young adults to become active shapers of their own lives and of society as a whole.


Rapid Response Grants

Sometimes it doesn’t take much to bring about positive change. Through its »Rapid Response Grants« the Schöpflin Foundation provides organisations and projects with straightforward and rapid financial support - enabling them to implement their innovative and sustainable ideas, projects and initiatives. The maximum grant is 25.000 € per project, no applications can be submitted.

  • Förderzeitraum 2024
    Geförderte Projekte & Organisationen 2024

    Grantees & Projects 2024

    apropolis e.V. | The association offers workshops, seminars and training courses for young people to raise their interest in politics and enthusiasm for our liberal democracy, while at the same time sharpening their awareness of hidden dangers such as populism, indifference and fear-mongering. And to empower them to defend themselves against them!

    climb GmbH | climb GmbH organizes climb learning vacations for primary school children living in precarious conditions. Together with young adults who are passionate about education they organize two-week learning vacations in elementary school. The grant is used to strengthen leaders at climb.

    Klimaschutz im Bundestag e.V. | Strategienetzwerk Klima: Around 900 companies, associations, local authorities and individuals have joined forces as Klimaschutz im Bundestag e.V. (KiB) to advocate a realistic and ambitious climate policy. The association brings citizens together with members of the Bundestag and their staff, with a special focus on the perspectives and knowledge of practitioners. The aim is to persuade members of the Bundestag to take concrete and effective climate protection measures.

    Kreidestaub e. V. | Kreidestaub is a student organization that has set itself the goal of further developing and improving teacher training. The association is based in Berlin, but there are various local groups throughout Germany that try to design innovative seminars and events based on university locations. Kreidestaub sees itself as a community, network, laboratory and platform for sustainable teacher training.

    Land in Sicht e.V. | Land in Sicht e.V. supports non-profit associations in rural regions of Saxony that are committed to open-mindedness, democratic and social ways of thinking through their cultural and social work. 
    In addition, the association sees itself as a platform for all those people who want to take a stand - for coexistence without discrimination, racism, hostility towards foreigners and sexism.

    Teachers for Future e.V. | Teachers for Future e.V. is an association of teachers, educators and other school staff that sees itself as part of the “for Future” movement and acts at all levels in consultation with the other "for Future" groups.

    Volontoolo gUG | Volontoolo gUG is a non-profit organization that has set itself the task of promoting volunteering and helping people to find suitable volunteer activities. It provides a platform that brings volunteers and charitable projects together to strengthen social projects and initiatives and promote active participation in society.


Julia Röhrich, Program Director Learning & Participation
Julia Röhrich, Program Director Learning & Participation

»We accompany people who rethink education and innovate learning to offer children and young people the chance to develop their individual potential and to give them the opportunity to participate. That is, for us, what makes our work on the Schöpflin Foundation’s Learning & Participation program so rewarding.«

Julia Röhrich has been head of the Learning & Participation programme area since 2019. Previously, she worked for five years as a senior consultant in the field of education at two social enterprises supporting foundations and companies to give even more strategically and effectively. Prior to her work as a consultant, she coordinated a nationwide youth engagement programme at a non-profit and supported the dissemination of Open Educational Resources as part of the executive team of an education start-up.


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